Bürgermeister-Keckl-Str. 22
92364 Deining, Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 911 24 76 75 – 30

Chief Executive Officer (CEO):

Markus Krämer

Responsible for contents:
according to §10 paragraph 3 MDStV: Markus Krämer

Copyright velo.api LLC I.F.

All rights reserved. All copyrights and other rights upon images, texts, software, web design and other materials are the property of Velo.API LLC.

Third parties are not allowed to use them without prior explicit written permission of Velo.API LLC.

All other brands not owned by Velo.API LLC and displayed on this web site are owned by the respective holder of the brand name rights.

Disclaimer of liability:

Despite careful checking, we assume no liability for the content of external links. The operators bear sole responsibility for the content of linked pages.


Picture: ©Nikada von istockphoto (


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